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Code of Ethics

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Mission Statement

“The Texas Association of Licensed Investigators is an organization that promotes and encourages the highest standards of professionalism among licensed private investigators through information, education, training, legislative action, membership support and networking.”

Code of Ethics

All members of the Texas Association of Licensed Investigators will subscribe to the following Code of Ethics:

  • To be professional and to demonstrate integrity and honesty as an investigator and as a member of TALI.
  • To give each client a full explanation of the work to be performed, rates to be charged and reports to be rendered.
  • To preserve as confidential all information received in an investigation unless directed otherwise by the client or unless under specific order or legal authority.
  • To conduct all aspects of investigation within the bounds of legal, moral and professional ethics.
  • To apprise clients against any illegal or unethical activities and to cooperate with law enforcement or other governmental agencies, as required by law.
  • To constantly strive for improvements as a professional, to respect the rights of others and to insure the same from and to one's employees and subcontractors.
  • To loyally support TALI, its aims, purposes and policies as long as one remains a member.

Texas Association of Licensed Investigator and NCISS Locate Position

adopted October 29, 2008 by the TALI Board of Directors
“A member shall, prior to providing a client any personally identifying or location information of an individual, conduct appropriate due diligence to ensure that the client has a legitimate business or legal interest in obtaining that information. When such due diligence is not possible or appropriate, or if the client appears to not have a legal or business interest, the client shall be informed that their contact information will be provided to the person they are seeking and the personal identifying information of the person they are seeking will only be provided to the client if that party consents.”
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